
Daily Affirmation and How to Go About It

How much of daily affirmation do you do in a week? And when you do it, do you ever try to see what you affirm daily behind your shut eyelids?

Do you ever see yourself becoming that person you dream of?

Hey, if you haven’t done any of these yet, you haven’t made it through one bit of affirmation in front of the mirror or closed your eyes to count 15 and try to see yourself in the picture, you aren’t alone. I would have said, ‘Tuko wengi‘ but you’d probably not understand. The two-word phrase is Swahili for ‘We are many’.

But what then, do we carry on like that until kingdom come?

That’s not my advice. Here it is though. Rather than trying out something on a short-term, I prefer you take it easy on yourself.

Or may be not.

How to Deal With the Fear of Affirming Daily

Say you want to become the most outstanding team building coach in the world. That’s not too much to ask by the way. Ask yourself when you want to rise to the top. And set a date to it.

Sound easy right?

Again, maybe the presence of ‘set a date to it‘ is followed by a quick ‘what if I fail to get it done by then?

It’s normal to feel the fear. Because if you don’t feel the fear then chances are your body already knows you are lying to yourself. And what a sin to commit?

What’s abnormal l though is allowing that fear incapacitate you. Feel the fear, Yes! Acknowledge it. Yes! Then go right ahead and affirm at the top of your voice. I am the most outstanding team building coach in the world!

Going Past The Fear of Setting Dates

But don’t stop there. The fact is that if you do, you’ll most likely fall into the doubting-Thomas trap of not believing a word you say about that affirmation or even the date. And setting the date is where the whole juice is. The sooner the better. So you can push yourself into planning, executing, failing and innovating all over again.

The sooner you fail, the brighter new ideas will flow into your brain. And the better it is for the world waiting to see what you’ve got to offer. Especially when you’ve shared your dream with those close to you.

Affirming daily what you desire to become has just taken shape. Now let’s mould it.

Affirming Your Desire

Dare yourself to stand in front of a mirror and say it all over again. Affirm it. This is who you are. Look at your image looking back at you. Still keep the date in mind.

The second time though, shut your eyes and repeat your desire. Vocalize it. Only this time with the utmost softness yet convincing words you can ever produce from the pits of your belly.

Here is the trick. Since you had seen your image in the mirror at first, when you close your eyes you’ll see the same image behind your shut eyelids. Affirm it with confidence. Try it. It works wonders!

Now that you have the desire affirmed and the date set, next is to come up with a plan. How do you get the work done?

The Plan to Get Your Daily Affirmation Becoming

Affirming daily with a date of execution in mind is great. But it becomes stale when you leave it there without working on it. Another unexecuted project. I call it a project because upon achieving it you could be on to yet another goal. And that’s alright. But the question is, how do you shape it up?

This is where you plan step by step on what exactly to do. You may require to wake up an hour or 2 ahead of everyone else and setup up your workspace.

Workspace means working on your physical body to elevate your health. You don’t want to gain ideas at the expense of your health, do you?

Setting up your workspace also includes spicing up your mental space through reading an inspiration book. Devotion would come in handy. And above all, keep your eyes attentive to note any opportunity, or what most people call problems. Any opportunity that catches your attention as an idea worth noting down. Store it in your notebook and visit the space on a weekly basis. That will soon give you a combination of ideas to set up a plan!

Will this work out as soon as you wish?

You wish!

And that’s why planning, executing, failing and innovating all over again are part of the plan.

In Conclusion

A good example is my case. My desire to become the most outstanding team building coach in the world by 14th September 2024 and being televised in BBC and CNN. You may have read this in my previous blog. And while I’m aware that there’s a 0.01% chance of missing it, I still work hard towards its fulfilment.

From researching on educative games daily. Innovating around such activities. To putting them to practice. If you’re wondering where I get clients to train, I market my team building business with every fibre of my being.

In fact, I have made it my business to date one person per week and pitch to them what I do, my journey to becoming the most outstanding team building coach in the world! I see it like the Competency-Based Curriculum (CBC) system of education practiced for children in Kenya. Only this time for adults. And I train them to work in teams instead of silo-ing.

So there you have it. My daily affirmation, date and action plan will give birth to the woman I desire to become.

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