
The 5 Golden Rules of Using Free Wi-Fi


With the mushrooming use of Internet, it is common to see coffee houses, supermarkets, hubs and other such publicly accessible spaces provide free Wi-Fi to their customers or guests. It makes it easier for their customers to quickly check and respond to their emails, get news updates, WhatsApp messages, update their Facebook status and post a new photo on Instagram. Can life get any easier?

However, with such an increased presence of free Wi-Fi, it is possible to end up abusing the service even to the point of being a public menace. Bearing in mind that many other people could be using the same services, there are ways to get the best out of such services and be able to make new friends, seize business opportunities, enlarge your networks and even learn new tactics in silence.

To harness such effectiveness, you need to observe a certain level of protocol, without which you will get everybody’s portion and nothing more. Besides, “If you want more, go an extra mile. Magdalene Kamau

So, how can you ensure that your share of joy is sweeter than the ordinary? Just be special.


  1. Show respect to the provider of the freebie

The provider chose to share their profits (if any) with you. It may just be a marketing strategy so as to keep their clients happy as they shop; however, they deserve a whole bunch of respect. Read and adhere to any instructions given while at the base. Some of the most common instructions in such places are:

  • Keep your volume low
  • Take off your shoes while in the lobby
  • Put the refuse in the dustbins
  • Do not lie on the benches
  • If you spill, wipe it off
  • Flush the loo after use


  1. Use the Wi-Fi sparingly

“Finally Free Wi-Fi!” you say.

Unfortunately it doesn’t mean that you can use it in any way that you feel like. Yes, I mean that. Courtesy calls for us to mind the manners just a little bit.

Skype calls and all other video chats are very private and hence should not be conducted in such public places. If you must make such calls, ask the management if they offer facilities that will provide such facilities. Consider two things: One, you could end up being a nuisance to others and two; you are likely to be breaching your own security. You never know who could be watching.


  1. Give feedback to the provider

Not just the negative feedback when you are not able to connect to your favorite site, but also the showing gratitude by a plain old ‘Thank you for the free Wi-Fi’.

Remember, the provider could have chosen to keep the service to himself and still have you shop without it, show gratitude.


  1. Support the provider

Do not just enjoy the free Wi-Fi; be of better use to the provider. There are a variety of ways you can support them in person such as; notifying them of things that they need to do to improve their general services or doing your shopping there even when you don’t need the free Wi-Fi.


  1. Introduce friends to the provider with the aim of marketing them

The joy of a party is in the mob; so they say. Why not bring along your friends to the store to enjoy the party. As your friends join in the free Wi-Fi party, they will see the other products and hopefully be enticed to buy from the store. It is the art of marketing.

Ready to put this into use?

Ok, identify the store and then begin putting into use the points above. I can guarantee you that you will enjoy the freebie more than anyone else using the same

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